Our new hours are 10am-5pm Mon-Fri, 10am-2pm Sat, and by appointment on Sat-Sun. We encourage guests to make appointments to visit on weekends and late evenings if our hours cannot fit their schedules. In order to make an appointment, please get in touch with us at least one day in advance prior to your visit. You can reach us at contactbixmuseum@gmail.com to schedule the appointment.
Bix Lives in the Bix Beiderbecke Museum!
Try Our Guided Tours!
Our guided tours app is live! Be guided through Bix’s Hometown of Davenport and the museum by an audio and visual experience highlighting all the locations Bix hung out at and each section of our exhibit through Bix’s life and legacy. Click the button or search “Bix Beiderbecke Museum Tours” in your device app store and download it before your visit!
The Bix Museum also offers small group or individual guided tours of the museum upon request, especially on select Saturdays. Contact Director Nathaniel Kraft at director@bixmuseum.org to schedule a tour today. Since our museum is staffed part-time, our friends at the Common Chord help keep the museum open during regular business hours. Occasionally, the museum may not be staffed during times when Common Chord staff are unavailable. If you are considering a visit and the doors are closed or want to check ahead of time, please call or email (563) 293-4046 or contactbixmuseum@gmail.com.
After nearly a century, the music of legendary cornetist, pianist, and composer Bix Beiderbecke still draws awestruck admiration from fans around the world. Treasured recordings keep alive his unique tone, melodic style, lyrical phrasing, and heart-stopping improvisations.
This new museum in Bix's hometown of Davenport, Iowa, is a must-stop for jazz and history lovers. Visitors will learn of his brief but eventful life at the dawn of the 20th century, view rare films, and listen to his incomparable music.
The museum graces the lower level of the Redstone building, 2nd and Main Streets, in downtown Davenport.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or by appointment. And Sundays by appointment.
Admission is free but donations are gratefully accepted.
Sights and sounds include unique artifacts, rare photos, storyboards, touchscreens, videos, home movie clips, heartwarming letters and, of course, magnificent recordings.
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The last piano Bix played, from his New York City apartment where he died. He bought it shortly before his death in 1931. It was the only piano he ever purchased.
Audiences adored Bix and the energy of the Wolverines in their first New York City performances in 1924.
News and Reviews
Life in a New Key: Davenport's Bix Museum to Move Across the Street
Bix Beiderbecke Museum Plans to Move to a New Home Across the Street in Downtown Davenport
Bix Beiderbecke Museum and Archives moving to new downtown Davenport location
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'So far ahead of anyone else': The life and legacy of Bix Beiderbecke
Bix Museum Raising $12,000 For Renovation With Three Vital Artifacts
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The Cities- Bix Beiderbecke Museum
Bix Museum Acquires Don Murray’s Sax
Bix Museum Hires First Director
Syncopated Times: Every Bix devotee should make a pilgrimage
Visitor's journal: A treasure!